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What do you and this iceberg have in common?

We’ll reveal the answer to this question (and a lot more) on
our upcoming “Sneak Preview” call – see here for more:

How is the “Secrets” Course different?

Here’s a message that may resonate with you if you’ve been
thinking of taking the “Secrets of Manifesting” course, but
wondered how it’s different from what you’ve already tried…

“I ‘ve been spending money a lot on these Mind programming / self development courses for the past 18 months…”

New additions to “Secrets” Course

People have been wondering what’s different about the new
“Secrets of Manifesting” Course that starts on May 31st.

Here’s a quick review of what’s been added to the course:

1) Special Clear-Mind™ training session (worth 97.00)

2) New Live Trainings to help you *integrate* what you learn:

* The Mind-Heart Process (worth 49.00)
* Limiting Belief Discovery Process (worth 49.00)

3) New video trainings – to help you understand:

* How to apply the Limiting Belief Discovery Process
* How to use PMP to clear virtually ANY issue anywhere,
anytime – guaranteed.

4) Special weekly “Live” interactive trainings to help you

integrate what you’ve learned

5) A special new Mind-Heart Integration bonus from
Susan Castle (audio training – worth 49.00)

More info on the course here:

I look forward to seeing you there!

All the very best,

Paul Bauer

What is “Clear-Mind”?

A reader of our newsletter named Bryan e-mailed
me today asking:

Hi Paul,
I would like to know more about ‘CLEAR MIND’
Regards, Bryan

I replied:

Clear-Mind is my new Meditation program that
helps you:
1) Calm your mind so you can have clarity and focus

2) Meditate deeply (within minutes of using it)

3) Clear unwanted feelings, beliefs, etc

4) Live in the present – to be fully in the NOW – and not worry
about the past or “fret” about the future

5) Attain increased creativity, learning, memory and “integrated
experiences” which help you to perform at your peak

Not to mention the health benefits (lower blood pressure,
reduction in stress, etc).

Many of my clients also report that Clear-Mind helps
them sleep better, remember more, and have a happier
state of mind.

Only “Secrets of Manifesting” students
(and our retreat attendees) can access
Clear-Mind at this time. It
will not be
released to the public until June.

More info on the course is at:

Listen to the “Sneak Peek” audio of the course at:

To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,

Paul Bauer

The Biggest Question

Here’s the most frequently asked question regarding
the launch of the “Secrets of Manifesting” E-Course.

“Do I have to be on every call? – I may not be able to make
all the classes.”

No – all calls are recorded – (see below)

“Do you if you think I will get the same benefit
doing the class on my own?”

An emphatic Yes! – Since the KEY to this course is the
study and application of the daily exercises (that take
on average 10-15 minutes a day and the repetition of
these exercises – whether you listen to it “live” or
recorded is not important.

(You can listen to the audio sessions and practice the
daily exercises anywhere, anytime)

The “Pre” and “Post” Study sheets (as well as the recorded
audio sessions) will help you each step of the way.

The REAL learning “kicks in” when you see how it
applies in YOUR day-to-day life.

>Another question is, do you plan to offer this again next month?

June -06 Update
Yes- We’ve had hundreds of requests to repeat the course, and
it will be offered again. If you’ve missed the “live” course, we’re now offering the audio CD version (worth all the extra bonuses).

See more about the course at:

Feel free to post your comments or questions below…
To do so, click on “Comments” link – it looks like this:

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: – )
