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VIP Tele-Seminar Announced

If you’ve tried nearly every technique to create what
you want and you’re still frustrated with your results,
you’ll love what we’re preparing…

We’re holding a special Tele-Seminar called
“Infinite Abundance”.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • How to free yourself from the unconscious fears
    about money, health and love and how they affect
    your confidence and esteem
  • The fastest way of creating what you want (this
    method is the most overlooked way of getting results
    – and yet it’s the most misunderstood)
  • How to clear the energy of scarcity and “Not Enough”
    as deep as your DNA
  • How the Heart is far more powerful than the brain
    (and how to tap into its limitless wisdom)

And you’ll also learn the new “RS Process” – a time-tested proven
method that clears even the deepest issues… even if other
methods haven’t worked for you.

After you experience the content on this groundbreaking
Tele-Seminar, you’ll feel better that you’ve felt in years…

…because you’ll finally be able to solve your issues
dealing with money, self worth, and how these issues
impact your relationships and even your health.

Read more about it at:

Normally this call costs $99 – but because you’re a
Dreams Alive subscriber, you’re eligible for a 79 dollar

Once you register, you’ll get a 12-page Action Guide to
fill-out during the live 2+ hour Teletraining Call.

Go to
Discount Code: infin037 <– Saves you $79!

I look forward to serving you on the Tele-Seminar.

To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,

Paul Bauer

P.S. – There are only 450 spots available for this Tele-Seminar.
The first 200 people who sign up receive my
“7 Step Action Plan”
that reveals how any person can free themselves of money
worries, and create results faster, better and with less effort.

Go to to reserve
your spot today.

P.P.S. – Special Announcement. At the end of this
Tele-Seminar, we will have a drawing and pick two people
who will win a free ticket to our upcoming Infinite Abundance
Live seminar in Chicago, June 20-22nd. In order to win, you
must be present on this call.

New Infinite Abundance Live Seminar

The new Dreams Alive Infinite Abundance LIVE seminar
is coming to Chicago the weekend of June 20-22nd.

If you want to take your manifesting skills to a whole
new level and meet like-minded and like-hearted
souls in a 3 day event that you’ll enjoy months after
you return home – you won’t want to miss this event.

Click here for more details

You’ll learn:

  • The one belief that holds you back most
  • The root cause of the”Not Enough” Effect
    (and what you can do about it)
  • The Abundance Gene and how to tell if
    yours is turned off
  • How to create results in your life beyond your imagination

Plus, you’ll discover the one core issue that runs
through your life that stops the flow of abundance
– no matter what you’ve tried (and how to eliminate
it for good).

See you there…?

Click here for more…


The Ancient Secret Of Life

For many of us, we’ve been taught to find our
joy and passion in all the wrong places…

Many believe that having “more” will bring them
the satisfaction they’re looking for…

But that’s simply a lie thats been perpetuated
for centuries…

Learn more about the ancient secret

In less than 24 hours, you can join us for a special
Tele-Seminar on how you can live this way and be
free of the old struggles and problems that have
held you back from your genius and your greatness…

Join us this Saturday, Feb 17th for a powerful 70 minute
preview call that will reveal this ancient secret of life.

…and you’ll also learn about our upcoming Hawaii
Realizing Your Heart’s Dreams Retreat

Click here to join us – there are less than 400 spots
on this call available


Paul Bauer

P.S. – Can’t make Hawaii? – learn more about how
you can transform even your biggest problems into
dramatic results in the comfort of your own home
or office by clicking here

“Shake, Rattle and Roll”

As many of you may be aware, we just completed our
most recent Hawaii Retreat. Each time we complete
the retreat week, we travel to the east side of the
island to relax and journey with the Volcano Goddess

But this time around, she gave us more than expected.
By now you’ve heard that much of Hawaii experienced
a 6.7 magnitude Earthquake. The last time Hawaii had
that type of earthquake was right before the current
eruption of the Kileaua volcano (the most active volcano
on earth.)

We had just left Kealakekua Bay the day before the
quake hit and as you can tell by the amount of dust
just how hard the quake hit this particular spot.
Damage was mininmal however and the rumors of our
demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Here’s where we stayed RIGHT BEFORE the quake hit

And here’s what we just missed (by 12 hours)

We were reminded of the awesome power of Mother Nature
and how we’re just guests here on this incredible planet
Earth we call our home.

In fact, one of our students named Judith from Australia was
interviewed by a local TV station after the retreat
(she stayed a few days with her husband at a local hotel)
and was asked “You must have been incredibly scared by
the earthquake, you probably won’t want to travel here
again will you?”

And her response?

“Actually, we loved it – and we’ll be back again!”

So much for the media attempting to spread even more
doom and gloom hype…

How did she stay calm even in the face of her whole
room shaking and items being thrown around the room?

She knows how to connect to her essence and stay grounded,
no matter what shows up…

You too have this capability and it’s there within you
right now as you read this message.

The real question is “Do you know how to access it – even
in the face of fear, struggle and other attempts by the
external world of ego to shake you off your center?”

So as you read this, may you feel connected today my
friend and remember the beauty of living in the Present

Aloha Nui,

Paul Bauer