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The Music of Steve Roach

For years, I’ve been inspired by the music of Steve Roach.
Since I first heard his music, it touched a chord deep
inside me…

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Steve over
the years (his music is in Dream-Minder) and his music
has changed my life in ways my conscious mind may
not even be aware of…

This week, Steve announced his new CD, Landmass and I
wanted to share it with you.

Steve is what I call a “Musical Shaman” – someone who takes
you to new places you’ve never been before and when you
return, you’re never the same.

As I write this post, I’m listening to Steve’s music
and it takes me to a place beyond the mind…

Here’s his new CD, Landmass – take a listen – especially
Trancemigration – you’ll love it…

While you’re at Steve’s site, you can listen to a variety
of his music and view some cool videos of his concerts.

Steve work spans many different genres:

Atmospheric Space
Pure Electronic
Healing Arts

Some of my favorites include:

The Dream Circle

Structures From Silence

Quiet Music

The Magnificent Void

Kairos (Video)

See the special Kairos Video Preview (very cool)

Dreaming… Now, Then: A Retrospective

To get a good feel of Steve’s work, visit his
“Compilations” page here

His work is used in the healing arts, films and just
listening in the dark as you enter the “stillness”.

I love supporting the work of artists like Steve
that help keep our Dreams Alive…



“A Stroke of Insight”

Several times over the past few weeks, I’ve heard
about this woman – Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, but today I
took the time to watch her story.

It’s a story of how she survived a massive stroke.

Click here to watch her fascinating video

Inspiring is an understatement…

She discusses what lies beyond the left brain and more…

When you see this, ask yourself “If she can survive
an aneurysm the size of a golf ball, what am I capable of…?”

And what are we capable of…


“Unplugging from the Matrix”

If you saw the move, “The Matrix”, you understand how
we can be unconsciously programmed without even
knowing it. The central character named Neo at first
isn’t even aware of the illusion that he’s been living.

But when Morpheus shows him how he’s been “going
through the motions” – almost like a robot, it awakens
Neo. At first Neo thinks he’s powerful (the ego tries to
take charge again) and he becomes disappointed in his
newly discovered abilities.

But as Morpheus reminds him, it’s all an illusion…

Neo is still in disbelief…

“How could I have been fooled for so long?” “Why?”
“How is it possible?”

As Neo begins to awaken, he wonders, Is he the One?

The real question is can he step back from the Matrix
long enough to sense the illusion – and detach from it…

Once he detaches, he begins to re-discover his real power…

His Essence.

So the question we can ask ourselves is:

Are we aware of the illusions we’ve allowed ourselves to

Do they make us fall back again into the “psychic sleep”
or do they help awaken us?

The Matrix is the false premise of “Something else controls
me. I’m asleep. They’re at the helm. I’m a victim. They take
control. There’s not enough…”

But at Source level – nothing can ever control you. There’s
more than enough for everyone.

As you begin to remember why you came here to this planet,
and the lessons you’ve come to re-learn, what used to cause
you stress and overwhelm will begin to energize and inspire

If you’re ready to “Unplug From the Matrix”, the new
Infinite Abundance course will bring a smile to your
face as you take a deep breath and realize…

I Am Source…

And from that level – you are free…

In that moment, you’ve reconnected to the “I Am” Presence.
You feel the One-ness and how everything in life is connected.

Life feels new again…

So my friend, I invite you to re-discover this vital Essence
within you and join us in the new Infinite Abundance course.

To reserve your spot in the course, click here

We look forward to you being part of the course…

To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,

Paul Bauer

P.S. – If money is a concern for you – the “Matrix” has a hold
of you. Remember scarcity is an illusion – it’s not real.
Right now you have access to the same supply that
each of us has – and that supply is Infinite.

It’s only the mind that’s been conditioned to believe otherwise.
And you know your not your mind – right?

Secrets Course Is Now Live!

In the short period of 2 weeks, over 4500 people
formed a community of like minded and “like-hearted”

These people have a common bond.

They look beyond the mind…

Beyond materialsm…

And into their Heart Consciousness

They’ve discovered the “Secrets of Manifesting“.

And I’m humbled to be able to share it with you…

Let’s work together and create what most people
used to think was unimaginable…

Peace and Aloha My Friend,


The Un-Asked Question

There’s a question that no one’s been asking relative

to the Law Of Attraction.

And if you ask it, you’ll question the very
foundation of western society…

What’s the question?

Is “More” really better?

In other words, does attracting “more” bring you

Let’s look closely at this issue…

The belief that you need “more” is based on fear.

Continue here for more

Law Of Attraction Missing…?

Is it possible that something’s been left out of all the
conversations about the Law Of Attraction?

In a few short days, you’ll hear more about the “missing piece”
– and knowing this vital piece can create results in your life
beyond imagination.

Stay tuned…


Paul Bauer

What’s Your Higher Vision…?

I was just on the website of a fellow I admire named Brian Johnson at Brian has a great newsletter that I’ve been reading for years…

While on his site, I read something that really resonated with me…

“Entrepreneurs create their businesses for a diversity of reasons. However, I believe that most of the greatest companies in the world also have great purposes which were discovered and/or created by their original founders and which still remain at the core of their business models. Having a deeper, more transcendent purpose is highly energizing for all of the various interdependent stakeholders, including the customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and the larger communities in which the business participates. While these deeper, more transcendent purposes have unique expressions at each business they also can be grouped into certain well known and timeless categories.

Philosophy dates back to Plato the timeless ideals of “The Good”, “The True”, and “The Beautiful” that humanity has been seeking to create, discover, and express for thousands of years. If we add the ideal of “The Heroic” to the above three we have the framework of higher ideals which most great businesses seek to express in some form or fashion.”

John Mackey Source: Conscious Capitalism: Creating a New Paradigm for Business

All of us have a vision within us that if we choose to discover
, is far bigger and more meaningful than our own individual needs…

In a few weeks, you’ll be able to take part in something that I’ve been dreaming of for several years…

And it’s something that will touch and inspire you, your family and your world in ways that are beyond imagination…

Until then…


Paul Bauer