“The Ability To Blossom”
“And the day came when the risk it took
to remain tight in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom”
– Anais Nin
In Today’s Issue
The Ability To Blossom
Over the years, many of our subscribers have asked how to find more clarity
and focus in their lives.
When I’ve asked them what they mean by clarity, they answer:
“A clear sense of what I’m here to do, I’m not really excited about anything
anymore and I want that feeling of passion or excitement back again
(or to find it for the first time)”.
I answer them by asking what’s bothering them first.
(Because the very thing we can learn from most is the
lesson that continues to come back to us.)
What surprises us is that our passions get bogged down by the resistance to letting
our problems go. In other words, we can get stuck in a pattern of trying to the
“same old thing the same old way”.
Our real lesson is to allow normal life situations to teach us and give us what we
need. If we “fight the flow”, we’re really fighting ourselves.
But, when we honor the lesson, the energy inside of us opens up, (blossoms) and
then we’re free again to create what we really want in life.
Some of you may say:
“But, Paul, this sounds a little too “New Agey” for me”.
It depends on what you REALLY want in your life. If you want life to be simple
and to be in flow (great results with less effort), this may be a good time to just
let go of the “old way” and move forward…
Let’s look at today’s theme once again,
“And the day came when the risk it took to
remain tight in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom”
What sense do you make of this wisdom?
Are you prepared for the next steps in your life?
Are you ready to be more *passionate* about what you really value in your life?
Are you ready to truly blossom and grow? Or will you settle for the same old way
of living?
You have genius within YOU my friend… it’s there….
I can see it – Can You? : – )
Let’s go on a little “mini” – vacation for a moment or two…
Ask yourself:
“How can I awaken my Dream or Vision today?”
“What step can I take that will energize my Dream and support
humanity in some way?” (even if you don’t yet know)
“What could it be?”
Close your eyes for just a moment…
Take a deep breath…
b – r – e – a – t – h – e
Take a moment and write down YOUR Dream or Vision:
(or something you’d LOVE to do in your life)
Ask yourself:
“How can I energize this Dream in my life today?”
(What simple step could I take now to FREE this energy within me?)
When you choose to just . . .
b – r – e – a – t – h – e
Your energy field opens up and you begin to blossom again – and you begin
to re-discover the REAL you . . .
and your Life’s Dreams begin to awaken . . .
And so it is…
: – )
Allow your Dreams to take flight my friend
: – )
Many Blessings and Keep Your Dreams Alive,
Paul Bauer
I would love your comments or questions.
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