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Law Of Attraction Missing…?

Is it possible that something’s been left out of all the
conversations about the Law Of Attraction?

In a few short days, you’ll hear more about the “missing piece”
– and knowing this vital piece can create results in your life
beyond imagination.

Stay tuned…


Paul Bauer

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  1. 3 Comment(s)

  2. By Danon on May 9, 2007 | Reply

    Duality and the ego are a strong part of what is discussed in the Course in Miracles. The book, The Disappearance of the Universe also addresses this issue. Perhaps we are one with that glimmer of doubt that makes us dual and therein lies the mystery.

  3. By marilyn on May 18, 2007 | Reply

    It seems that since” The Secret ” everyone has jumped on the Bandwagon and tell us …go ahead and manifest whatever it is you want. Great, but at the end of the day we are left with the results of our creations. That is why your approach resonates with me.The more we have the more energy we need to look after our creations. Or am I seeing things from the wrong perspective?
    I am already on a programme, however, I think your approach is by far the better one.

    Can you tell me the difference between the Secrets Course and The Ultra Manifesting Course, should I wish to go ahead at a future date?
    Many thanks for your insights

  4. By Jennifer on Aug 2, 2007 | Reply

    Not certain that I would use the term “deserve” to win; but, absolutely would enjoy/appreciate winning the manifesting course. I have been struggling for approximately a year (at this point) with a health issue that – and this is absolute proof of the fact that we attract certain conditions to us – also caused my son’s current disability/condition. For the past 5-7 years I have avidly searched for the answer(s) to what happened to him, to cause his learning disability; only to find the solution by experiencing the exact same condition, myself!! I am now in the process of healing both of us; however, I am human, and have been experiencing much fear and doubt about my ability to bring us safely out of this situation. From what I know of the law of attraction/resonance; I have been using at every opportunity… yet, I have to wonder “is there something more that I’m not doing?” Aside from that… having listened to your teleconferences; you have a way of resonating that you are sincere about your approach to this concept; and honestly promise that people will get out of this course… what they are willing to put into it.

    Thank you.

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