If you’ve ever felt frustrated in trying to manifest what you want, you’re
not alone.   Every one of us faces obstacles and blocks before what we
want actually “shows up”.

Lets review the main challenges we all face when it comes to manifesting
(and what you can do about each one of them).

(Each of these challenges are little lessons that can teach us valuable
insights about ourselves.**)

The 3 Biggest Challenges

1. When is what I want going to manifest?

This is the classic one.  Our minds have been trained in a “get it now” kind
of reality.

Since we were very young, we often got instant gratification for many of our
core needs.  And depending on how our parents or caregivers responded to
our needs, we learned an unconscious pattern of wanting/getting that
reinforced the behavior that we felt at that young age.

Some of that behavior was appropriate then, but may no longer serve
you any longer as an adult. It takes a bit of discipline and letting go to
detach from old emotions and patterns so you can be fully present
and make new choices that help you evolve and grow.

An old proverb says:

“There is a season for everything”

It may be frustrating for the mind to admit, but the universe doesn’t
always bend to our will. But, when you set your Heart and mind to
creating what you want, and you follow that intent with love and
passion, it WILL manifest – in its own time.

We all plant many seeds, but the KEY is to nurture those seeds with
proper love and nutrients.

One of my mentors once told me:

“Whatever you set your Heart to, is already on its way…”

So, its really already here – but the mind can’t see it yet.

The key is letting go of the “when” and staying in touch with the essence
of already having it. In other words the deep faith, the *knowing* that’s
its real right now – and all that’s really required is to “see with new eyes”
as Blake once wrote.

The next biggest manifesting challenge…

2. Thinking that getting what you want will
make the pain of “not having it” go away

This one’s a bit hidden from our conscious awareness. But if you can delve
deeper than just needing something and shift to being ok whether it shows
up or not, you’re accessing  a level of mastery that few humans ever reach.

Most get stuck at the “I feel pain/I need relief” level and never understand
the essence of creation itself.

But when you shift your intent from “needing something to show up” to
being able to let go of having it, you activate a higher intelligence within

This intelligence then becomes your core guide and is there to help you
in literally any situation in your life. The gifts this connection will bring
you are greater than all the “getting” or “having” will ever give you.

The faith and knowing that what you want is already manifested (and
the patience that it takes to “wait” for it to “show up”) is the key.

Here’s a couple questions to help you in this 2nd major
manifesting challenge:

Is my Heart really in this?

Do I love this path?

What would I love to create most?

Ponder these whenever you face obstacles and breathe into each
of them as you listen and feel for the answer…

Here’s the 3rd challenge…

3. Am I doing something wrong?

If you ever hear or sense this message, you KNOW it’s the ego trying to pull
you off your path.  Thinking you’re doing something “wrong” prevents you
from seeing the truth in your life.

Disappointment, fear, anger, envy are some of the feelings you may feel
when what you want hasn’t shown up yet.

But each of these emotions are hiding the real issue.


Yes – the real cause of frustration or feeling stuck is judgment.  And it’s
ourselves who we’re really judging.

Maybe you’re not doing anything “wrong”.  Maybe your Higher Self is
guiding you to a simpler way of being.

And “having” then is easy – when you are already be-ing.

Make sense?

If you think of the things you want most, why do you want them?

In other words, what if you already had them already?

How would you feel?

Isn’t that what you really want?

The feeling?

Manifesting gets easier when we step out of the way and let go.
Take time each day my friend to check in with your Heart and
your Higher Self – and let yourself manifest from your Heart.

And So It Is…

Watch for my next message on manifesting…

Until then,

Blessings of Abundance to you,

Paul Bauer

P.S. – Would love your comments below…

: – )

The 3 Biggest Manifesting Challenges

If you’ve ever felt frustrated in trying to manifest what you want, you’re
not alone.   Every one of us faces obstacles and blocks before what we
want actually “shows up”.

Lets review the main challenges we all face when it comes to manifesting
(and what you can do about each one of them).

(Each of these challenges are little lessons that can teach us valuable
insights about ourselves.**)

The 3 Biggest Challenges

1. When is what I want going to manifest?

This is the classic one.  Our minds have been trained in a “get it now” kind
of reality.

Since we were very young, we often got instant gratification for many of our
core needs.  And depending on how our parents or caregivers responded to
our needs, we learned an unconscious pattern of wanting/getting that
reinforced the behavior that we felt at that young age.

Some of that behavior was appropriate then, but may no longer serve
you any longer as an adult. It takes a bit of discipline and letting go to
detach from old emotions and patterns so you can be fully present
and make new choices that help you evolve and grow.

An old proverb says:

“There is a season for everything”

It may be frustrating for the mind to admit, but the universe doesn’t
always bend to our will. But, when you set your Heart and mind to
creating what you want, and you follow that intent with love and
passion, it WILL manifest – in its own time.

We all plant many seeds, but the KEY is to nurture those seeds with
proper love and nutrients.

One of my mentors once told me:

“Whatever you set your Heart to, is already on its way…”

So, its really already here – but the mind can’t see it yet.

The key is letting go of the “when” and staying in touch with the essence
of already having it. In other words the deep faith, the *knowing* that’s
its real right now – and all that’s really required is to “see with new eyes”
as Blake once wrote.

The next biggest manifesting challenge…

2. Thinking that getting what you want will
make the pain of “not having it” go away

This one’s a bit hidden from our conscious awareness. But if you can delve
deeper than just needing something and shift to being ok whether it shows
up or not, you’re accessing  a level of mastery that few humans ever reach.

Most get stuck at the “I feel pain/I need relief” level and never understand
the essence of creation itself.

But when you shift your intent from “needing something to show up” to
being able to let go of having it, you activate a higher intelligence within

This intelligence then becomes your core guide and is there to help you
in literally any situation in your life. The gifts this connection will bring
you are greater than all the “getting” or “having” will ever give you.

The faith and knowing that what you want is already manifested (and
the patience that it takes to “wait” for it to “show up”) is the key.

Here’s a couple questions to help you in this 2nd major
manifesting challenge:

Is my Heart really in this?

Do I love this path?

What would I love to create most?

Ponder these whenever you face obstacles and breathe into each
of them as you listen and feel for the answer…

Here’s the 3rd challenge…

3. Am I doing something wrong?

If you ever hear or sense this message, you KNOW it’s the ego trying to pull
you off your path.  Thinking you’re doing something “wrong” prevents you
from seeing the truth in your life.

Disappointment, fear, anger, envy are some of the feelings you may feel
when what you want hasn’t shown up yet.

But each of these emotions are hiding the real issue.


Yes – the real cause of frustration or feeling stuck is judgment.  And it’s
ourselves who we’re really judging.

Maybe you’re not doing anything “wrong”.  Maybe your Higher Self is
guiding you to a simpler way of being.

And “having” then is easy – when you are already be-ing.

Make sense?

If you think of the things you want most, why do you want them?

In other words, what if you already had them already?

How would you feel?

Isn’t that what you really want?

The feeling?

Manifesting gets easier when we step out of the way and let go.
Take time each day my friend to check in with your Heart and
your Higher Self – and let yourself manifest from your Heart.

And So It Is…

Watch for my next message on manifesting…

Until then,

Blessings of Abundance to you,

Paul Bauer

P.S. – Would love your comments below…

: – )

Becoming The Observer

If you ever find yourself challenged or stressed by something in your
life, the mind often steps in and tried to fix the issue.  But that’s where
the problem really begins.

Instead of stepping back and just observing the issue, the mind (based on
habitual patterns) wants to take charge and often causes more problems
(and stress) than originally existed.

Then, the “vicious cycle” begins…

1. The problem “shows up”

2. Stress kicks in (based on memory rather than what
actually is occurring)

3. The desire to “fix it” turns on in the mind

4. Effort is expended to do the “fixing”

5. More stress is created

Over and over…


Until we become present and step back into the Now (with no judgement or analysis).

You might be saying – “easier said than done Paul!”

But when you practice being present with the “little things”, you develop the skill to
handle the big ones with grace and ease.  And the gift you experience is a feeling of
Presence; a calm sense of being the observer of your thoughts and feelings.

Because when you do, the mind relaxes and lets go, and lets the Presence give you
perspective and and objective perspective.

How To Become The Observer

Here’s the simple formula to become the observer and step back from virtually
any problem or challenge you ever face (no matter how intense) and still feel
peace and inner calm.

If you ever encounter a problem or anything that begins to cause stress in
your life simply:

1. Notice how you feel –  and breathe in slowly and deeply

2. Get a sense of the feeling (where it’s located in your body)

3. Breathe into the feeling and let go

4. Just notice the feeling – with no judgment

5. Continue breathing into the feeling until you feel a shift
– when the observer within you awakens and you sense a difference.

It might be the feeling lightens up, or that you get a sense of clarity or inner peace.
The real key is to become “the one who notices” and step out of the
“problem mindset”.

This single shift of awareness is enough to feel connected, whole and at peace.

Peace to you my friend,

Paul Bauer

If this article was helpful, please feel free to leave a comment below:

The Hidden Level of Clarity

Today, we’ll discuss the concept of clarity in a different light.

In essence, there are two kinds of clarity. One of the mind and one of the Heart.
The key is to understand the difference between the two and know which one
serves you the most.

The two kinds of clarity are:

1) Clarity from the mind

When your mind isn’t clear, you feel anxious or unsettled.  Some people
even feel a little foggy or frustrated.

But when you take time to tune-in, breathe and begin to relax, the mind begins to
settle down. Most people then begin to feel like they can breathe easier and their
stress levels drop.

Some even meditate – knowing that there’s still more clarity they can feel.

At this point, most people are pretty satisfied. But many people discover that
clarity of the mind is short lived – it tends to run out faster than we’d like.

But there is another kind of clarity…

One that unifies the mind with the body in ways beyond the mind’s ability to

2) Clarity from the Heart

The second kind of clarity comes from the Heart. Not the physical organ, but the
spiritual/energetic Heart.  In other words, your connection to God and the Infinite.

This connection is far deeper than the mind can imagine and gives you a much
deeper sense of connection and inner peace.

The key difference between clarity from the mind and clarity from the Heart is
when the mind steps in, the possibility for doubt, fear and confusion increases.

But the Heart speaks a completely different language.  While the mind runs on
patterns and memory, the Heart has no limits and has access to the wisdom of
the Infinite.

It knows only peace and Love.

Let’s say you meditate for 20-30 minutes in the morning.  If you feel stressed as
little as an hour or two later, then any clarity you may have experienced came
from the mind.

But Heart based clarity gives you inner peace that lasts well beyond any meditation
session because it connects you with the energy of Creation itself.

This feeling is almost indescribable because it’s beyond language – and yet we can
feel it palpably because it’s real
.  In fact it’s our true reality and not the illusion
that the mind often projects as “being reality”.

And that kind of clarity increases your energy,awareness and effectiveness in all parts
of your life.

When you really understand the difference between the two, you’re on a completely
different wavelength and life becomes a joyous adventure to learn from.

Whether it be highs, lows or anywhere in between, when your clarity comes from
your Heart, life becomes a child-like playground of wonder, awe and fun…

Here’s the cool thing about Heart based clarity.

You still get the gifts of the mind, but you get the best of both worlds and it’s
simpler to navigate the complexities of life because your Heart and mind
are in alignment.

Now that’s a life worth living…

Stay tuned for our next Clarity update and news about the new Clear-Mind
Clarity Module.

Until then,

May your Heart guide you,

Paul Bauer and the team at Dreams Alive

See part 1 – The Clarity Paradox

The Clarity Paradox

Whenever we begin something new – whether it be a new day, a
new thought, or a new project, it helps to begin with clarity of thought
and intent.

This kind of clarity inspires you, enlivens you and rejuvenates your energy.

What is Clarity?

Clarity essentially is the state of being clear.
The opposite state would be haziness or confusion.

Real clarity gives you focus, direction and a feeling of centeredness.

With all the distractions we face every day (internet, TV, cell phones, noise,
EMF, etc) on top of all our daily responsibilities, it’s a wonder we ever find time
to feel any real clarity.

So how do you get clarity?

The paradox of having clarity is that it takes some kind of clarity to get you there.
But the mind is often so filled with stray thoughts, it’s hard to even begin with a clear
focus or direction.

If you want 2013 to be different (not just a “little change”, but to have *real
breakthroughs* in your career, your relationships, your finances
and most importantly how you feel) – then you need a catalyst to get you there.

By catalyst, I mean a new source of wisdom that gives you such incredible
clarity, you’ll be amazed at the new thoughts, insights and results you’ll have
when you’re there.

Imagine what that would feel like…

In the next couple days, I’ll be sharing a few more insights about the power of
clarity as well as news about the upcoming Clear-Mind Clarity Module.

Until then,

May 2013 be your best year ever,

Paul Bauer and the team at Dreams Alive

See Part II – The Hidden Level of Clarity

A Passing of a Visionary

We just heard that Dr. David Hawkins – visionary and
author of the breakthrough book Power vs. Force died
peacefully at home in Sedona, Arizona, on September
19, 2012, at the age of 85.

He was born on June 3, 1927, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
he had been a resident of Sedona since 1979.

David was an amazing man and his work helped people
across the world.  He pioneered a process of muscle
testing together with a map of consciousness to help
people discover the fundamental nature of emotional,
mental, spiritual, physical and karmic dis-ease.

7 years ago, his work became a vital part of our lives.
We are grateful to Dr. Hawkins for his incredible
contributions to the field of consciousness research.

We send blessings to his family as well as his many
friends and students who experienced his work.

David – you will be missed…

Paul Bauer and the team at Dreams Alive

The Ancient Secret of Mana

What ancient secret has been missing from Western Civilization for centuries and how does it affect everything you do? (Including your prosperity, your job, your health and your relationships).

Centuries ago, man began to expand westward in his search of more. He sought more land, more resources, and more power. But in all his searching, a precious gift was forgotten. And in forgetting this gift, man has become separate from the very things he craves most.

The secret that’s been missing is what’s called Mana. Mana is a Hawaiian word that means life force or energy. The ancient Hawaiians believed that every living thing contained Mana. This life force existed in the land, the sea, the plants and every living being.

Mana is in essence the energy of creationthe very core of life itself.

Mana is our life force, the power that enables us to live. So many people go throughout life without even using Mana, they walk through life like they are in a fog. With Mana, you perceive what life really means and what its saying to you.
– Lanakila Brandt

Now here’s where the story gets interesting…

In striving so hard in his search, man raced right past what he wanted most – the experience of connectedness, of oneness – in other words peace of mind and heart that lasts – even in the face of challenges – no matter how great they may be.

The secret of living a prosperous, peaceful and happy life can only be found in the experience of Mana – of your own life force and Spirit.

What blocks Mana?
The inability to focus – the Unquiet Mind.

The ancient Hawaiians taught what’s called the Ha Rite to help us find this connection to our Mana and experience this Mana in our daily lives with gratefulness, compassion and peace. The Ha Rite helps cure the Unquiet Mind syndrome more than any single force on this earth.

The Ha Rite isn’t just for the chosen few, its for all of us to experience and share. But so many people have been dis-connected from this ancient rite for so long that even simple directions on paper alone won’t give you experience of Mana.

I had to study with someone in person who helped teach me this ancient rite, and it made all the difference for me. Anxieties, anger, lack of focus and clarity all dissolved away after I learned this precious gift of Mana.

In my travels to the ancient land of Hawaii, I’ve re-discovered this precious gift of Mana – and the feelingthe experience is so profound, so blissful, that many people who’ve forgotten this lost gift may think that it doesn’t even exist.

Many people have re-discovered the gift of Mana and in doing so, they feel almost like they’ve discovered the fountain of youth. But the experience of Mana is real. And Hawaii is one the very few places on Earth where you have a direct connection to it.

Maybe it’s because of the active Volcano – Kilauea.

Maybe its because Hawaii is 3000 miles from the nearest continent and not affected by the “busy-ness” of city life.

Maybe it’s because the myths of the ancient civilization of Lemuria are true.

One thing is sure – the experience of Mana in this ancient land is real.

How can you re-discover the lost art of Mana?

Click here to find out how you can experience the lost art of Mana in person on the ancient Island of Hawaii on our last Hawaii Dolphin retreat this year. We have just a few spots available and if you’re looking to find the life-force within you again, this Retreat will be the trip of a lifetime for you.

Visit here for a free audio on how to re-claim your lost Mana and reconnect
with your passion, your purpose and your greatest gifts.

…and you’ll also learn about our upcoming Hawaii
Realizing Your Heart’s Dreams Retreat

What’s your experience of Mana?

Feel free to comment below…

Your Higher Vision

Yesterday when I was working on an creative project, I had one of
those moments when your intuition tells you to step back and let go.

So I did just that.

I looked up into the pine trees that surround our deck and asked for guidance
and then I did what I’ve done for as long as I can remember…

I just gazed int the trees and felt the presence of Nature.  I allowed myself
daydream for what seemed to be about a half hour.  But it was just minutes.

Moments later, as I was looking into the trees, I saw a large bird with beautiful
wings fly over and I had t do a double take.  I look into these trees daily – but never
see this kind of bird.

It was perched high on a limb of the tree above me so I had to get up out of my
chair to see if I could catch a glimpse of it.

I had a feeling what it was, and I could only see its
beak.  It was a falcon.

A big beautiful falcon.

Falcon (Photo credit - Avia Venefica)

I forgot about my request for guidance and then I
remembered how Native Americans always trust
what shows up in Nature.

So I looked up the significance of the Falcon totem.

According to Avia Venefica at her site

“The Falcon animal totem comes to us when we
require higher vision, or higher knowledge in
solving current dilemmas in our lives.”

She adds:
At its core, the Falcon animal totem represents visionary power, wisdom,
and guardianship. This powerful bird awakens visionary power, and
leads you to your life purpose. The Falcon carries with it a message
of transition and change – perhaps in your vocation, work, career, etc.

And it resonated with me perfectly…

If you ever feel stuck or experience an impasse or frustration, you may
want to ask yourself:

“What’s the vision that’s bigger than me?”


“How can I allow it to guide me on my journey”

and just let go and allow Divine Spirit to speak to you and inspire you in new ways.

It may just be the very thing you’ve been wishing for…

Blessings of Aloha,

Paul Bauer

What higher guidance would you like to share with our community?

Feel free to comment below…

What’s a Meme Shifter?

As the Great Shift continues to unfold on our planet and within each
of us, many people are wondering “what’s next?”

Some feel “on edge”, wondering when the next piece of bad news
will occur.

Yet others sense something wonderful is happening.

Both are right.

Because the great Shift isn’t “out there” somewhere. It’s within all of us and it’s
one of the greatest transformations in history.

A 125,000 Year Super Cycle

And according to astronomers and Shamans alike, a shift of this kind hasn’t
happened for 125,000 years.

But the core of the Great Shift isn’t some Mayan prophecy. Instead, it’s a shift
that’s bigger than any of us can imagine.

And it’s a chance to participate in the creation of new memes and breakthroughs
that our ancestors couldn’t have ever imagined.

What’s A Meme?

According to Wikipedia:

A meme 1] is “an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.”

A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be
transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or
other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural
analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.

The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book “The Selfish Gene”.

A little more about Memes:

1) An idea that, like a gene, can replicate and evolve – (Csikszentmihalyi, 1994).

2) A unit of cultural information that represents a basic idea that can be transferred
from one individual to another, and subjected to mutation, crossover and adaptation.

3) A cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one
generation to another by nongenetic means (as by imitation); “memes are the cultural
counterpart of genes.”

Are You A “Meme Shifter?

In essence, if you feel that something wonderful is happening, you’re a “Meme Shifter”.
In other words, you’re part of the creation of new memes that we collectively create
from nothingness into incredible shifts in:

Our technologies (of all kinds)
Learning systems
Our understandings of spirituality
Financial systems
Food systems
How we treat ourselves, our fellow beings and Mother Earth

…and hundreds of other systems within us and on our planet.

Cultural Genes?

Some genes replicate that aren’t necessarily serving to you individually
or for humanity. And since Memes are the genes of our cultures, we’re
beginning to become aware that certain memes that once served us are
beginning to erode and fall away.


Polluting the earth
Self judgment
“Us vs them” ideologies
Beliefs in scarcity
Equating money with success
Valuing “things” over ourselves or life itself

So, as a “Meme Shifter”, every choice you make and every thought you think begins to
affect our collective memes.

The real question is:

What choices will you make today that allow the Great Shift to unfold…?
What shifts are you willing to make to let the Infinite move through you
and become life itself?

Aloha and Mahalo for your time,

Paul Bauer

P. S. – From your perspective, what Memes are shifting or need shifting?

We’d love your feedback…

The Secrets of The Bamboo Tree

If you’ve ever noticed someone who’s become truly successful (in any
endeavor) it’s easy to think that some of them are what you might call
“overnight successes”.

But the truth is that for any of these success stories are years of sculpting and
practice that it took before their success was ever known.  By the time people
on the outside world ‘see” these successes, countless hours of practice, insights
and focus have been invested.

Gifts Beyond Measure

Like the bamboo tree that grows for years under the surface of the soil, hidden
beneath the surface of your normal awareness are gifts beyond your mind’s
normal ability to see.

Something beyond your imagination…

Beyond our normal human understanding.

The Illusion That “Nothing’s Growing”

Humans are a very fickle race. We grow impatient when what we want doesn’t
“show up” when and how we want it.  Then sprinkle in some extra “attraction tricks”
that have been tossed around lately by pundits and you get a recipe for some
very interesting results (and interpretations).

But to the patient Souls – the ones who “see beyond the obvious”, the reality is that
growth of unimagined proportions has already begun.  In your Heart, you know
that your intent is already real before you can ever “see it”.

When you’re centered and open to Divine guidance, old dis-serving patterns that
once prevented you from seeing and feeling your creations already real fade away
and new inspiring and energizing ones spring forth.

When you see the image of the bamboo forest above, could you ever have imagined
this kind of growth in such a short period of time?

What if the seeds of your growth have *already* been in place for years?

And what if gifts of incredible scope and depth for you and for our world are just waiting
for your gentle nurturing and guidance?

How do you nurture these gifts?

Gentle observance
Non judgment
Qi-Gong, Yoga, Deep Breathing, Nature walks, “Vitamin N”

A return to innocence, play and living life itself, rather than living from old
dis-serving memories and old roles.

Now it’s your choice – to carry forth either the old patterns that hold you back, or
to create an inspired and enlivened vision path filled with love, peace and serenity.

The past is just a memory and it has no bearing on your True Self.

“Choice Point” happens in the moment.

Past  ————————-  Present ————————- Future

It’s really all the same.

The real key is the present

Because it unlocks the door of all Creation.

What gifts are you willing to give life to?

What secrets lie waiting to spring forth like the bamboo tree?

It’s time my friend to nurture your Dreams and Heart’s Desires.

You can do it as you listen to your Heart – because it will
never fail you.

Feel free to post your comments below – and lets’ grow this “new
bamboo forest” together…

“The Ability To Blossom”

“And the day came when the risk it took
to remain tight in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom”

– Anais Nin

In Today’s Issue

The Ability To Blossom

Over the years, many of our subscribers have asked how to find more clarity
and focus in their lives.

When I’ve asked them what they mean by clarity, they answer:

“A clear sense of what I’m here to do, I’m not really excited about anything
anymore and I want that feeling of passion or excitement back again
(or to find it for the first time)”.

I answer them by asking what’s bothering them first.
(Because the very thing we can learn from most is the
lesson that continues to come back to us.)

What surprises us is that our passions get bogged down by the resistance to letting
our problems go. In other words, we can get stuck in a pattern of trying to the
“same old thing the same old way”.

Our real lesson is to allow normal life situations to teach us and give us what we
need. If we “fight the flow”, we’re really fighting ourselves.

But, when we honor the lesson, the energy inside of us opens up, (blossoms) and
then we’re free again to create what we really want in life.

Some of you may say:

“But, Paul, this sounds a little too “New Agey” for me”.

It depends on what you REALLY want in your life. If you want life to be simple
and to be in flow (great results with less effort), this may be a good time to just
let go of the “old way” and move forward…

Let’s look at today’s theme once again,

“And the day came when the risk it took to
remain tight in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom”

What sense do you make of this wisdom?

Are you prepared for the next steps in your life?

Are you ready to be more *passionate* about what you really value in your life?

Are you ready to truly blossom and grow? Or will you settle for the same old way
of living?

You have genius within YOU my friend… it’s there….

I can see it – Can You? : – )

Let’s go on a little “mini” – vacation for a moment or two…

Ask yourself:

“How can I awaken my Dream or Vision today?”

“What step can I take that will energize my Dream and support
humanity in some way?”
(even if you don’t yet know)

“What could it be?”

Close your eyes for just a moment…

Take a deep breath…

b   –   r   –   e   –   a   –   t   –   h   –   e

Take a moment and write down YOUR Dream or Vision:
(or something you’d LOVE to do in your life)




Ask yourself:

“How can I energize this Dream in my life today?”
(What simple step could I take now to FREE this energy within me?)




When you choose to just . . .

b   –   r   –   e   –   a   –   t   –   h   –   e

Your energy field opens up and you begin to blossom again – and you begin
to re-discover the REAL you . . .

and your Life’s Dreams begin to awaken . . .

And so it is…

: – )

Allow your Dreams to take flight my friend

: – )

Many Blessings and Keep Your Dreams Alive,

Paul Bauer

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