The Hidden Level of Clarity
By Paul Bauer on Jan 13, 2013 in Clarity, Clear-Mind™, Creativity & Innovation
Today, we’ll discuss the concept of clarity in a different light.
In essence, there are two kinds of clarity. One of the mind and one of the Heart.
The key is to understand the difference between the two and know which one
serves you the most.
The two kinds of clarity are:
1) Clarity from the mind
When your mind isn’t clear, you feel anxious or unsettled. Some people
even feel a little foggy or frustrated.
But when you take time to tune-in, breathe and begin to relax, the mind begins to
settle down. Most people then begin to feel like they can breathe easier and their
stress levels drop.
Some even meditate – knowing that there’s still more clarity they can feel.
At this point, most people are pretty satisfied. But many people discover that
clarity of the mind is short lived – it tends to run out faster than we’d like.
But there is another kind of clarity…
One that unifies the mind with the body in ways beyond the mind’s ability to
2) Clarity from the Heart
The second kind of clarity comes from the Heart. Not the physical organ, but the
spiritual/energetic Heart. In other words, your connection to God and the Infinite.
This connection is far deeper than the mind can imagine and gives you a much
deeper sense of connection and inner peace.
The key difference between clarity from the mind and clarity from the Heart is
when the mind steps in, the possibility for doubt, fear and confusion increases.
But the Heart speaks a completely different language. While the mind runs on
patterns and memory, the Heart has no limits and has access to the wisdom of
the Infinite.
It knows only peace and Love.
Let’s say you meditate for 20-30 minutes in the morning. If you feel stressed as
little as an hour or two later, then any clarity you may have experienced came
from the mind.
But Heart based clarity gives you inner peace that lasts well beyond any meditation
session because it connects you with the energy of Creation itself.
This feeling is almost indescribable because it’s beyond language – and yet we can
feel it palpably because it’s real. In fact it’s our true reality and not the illusion
that the mind often projects as “being reality”.
And that kind of clarity increases your energy,awareness and effectiveness in all parts
of your life.
When you really understand the difference between the two, you’re on a completely
different wavelength and life becomes a joyous adventure to learn from.
Whether it be highs, lows or anywhere in between, when your clarity comes from
your Heart, life becomes a child-like playground of wonder, awe and fun…
Here’s the cool thing about Heart based clarity.
You still get the gifts of the mind, but you get the best of both worlds and it’s
simpler to navigate the complexities of life because your Heart and mind
are in alignment.
Now that’s a life worth living…
Stay tuned for our next Clarity update and news about the new Clear-Mind
Clarity Module.
Until then,
May your Heart guide you,
Paul Bauer and the team at Dreams Alive
See part 1 – The Clarity Paradox
1 Comment(s)
By Paul on Jan 28, 2013 | Reply
Your “Clarity of the Heart” would seem to be the finding of our passion or our underlying purpose of being. Once that is known; we still have to work it through the old paradigms lodged in the subconscious. Just knowing what the purpose of our individual being is a great start on living the fulfilled life. While we may be able to recognize the opportunities, those old paradigms still need to be changed.