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The Sleeping Giant

If you believe everything you read and watch in the
news, things are looking pretty grim…

Yes – I understand that in many ways, the economy
appears to be “heading south”

But that “reality” is an illusion.

It’s part of the trance that many have bought into that
creates the “Matrix” of scarcity and the perception of
“not enough”.

And until you question that “reality”, it will continue
to appear real.

What can you do to end this trance?

1. Step back from what “appears” to be the problem
(money challenges, relationship issues, feelings of not
enough, etc)

and breathe deeply 3-4 times…

pausing between each in breath and out breath…

Close your eyes, stop what you’re doing and just breathe…
(from your belly)

Really allow yourself to look at your life from
a higher perspective and let go of identifying
with the material world.

2. Question it.

In other words, question the assumption of “Not
Enough”, financial instability, need for security
or other beliefs that we’ve been brought up to
believe (in many cases without even wondering
if they’re even true.)

What if this challenge, (my 401k, my business,
money flow, etc) was already transformed?

To the conditioned mind, it appears that things are
at their worst…

But that “trance of scarcity” doesn’t have to
affect you and I.

Because we know different.

And people like us stick together in even the most
challenging times.  And we rise above the negativity
and the naysayers.

Because you’ve chosen a different path

And the cool thing is we don’t have to participate in
the “lack mentality” and the perception of “doom
and gloom”.

As you read this, there’s a sleeping giant that’s
beginning to stir.  That giant is a part of you that
has access to ideas and intelligence that’s way
beyond the normal patterns of conditioned thought.

Imagine what it could be like if you could tap into this
higher intelligence – and how it could help you and
humanity and build a world based on compassion,
abundance and sufficiency.

In a couple of days, I’ll be sharing with you something
transformational that will affect every part of your
life and the way you perceive reality.

For several months, we’ve been working on
something incredibly exciting that will help you
end  the “Not Enough” Effect and create results
that will knock your socks off…

Watch your e-mail on Thursday, something very
cool is on its way…

To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,

Paul Bauer

P.S – I’d love to hear your feedback and questions.
You can post your comments by clicking on the
“Comments” tab below…

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  1. 12 Comment(s)

  2. By Jack Moberg on Mar 4, 2009 | Reply

    Awaiting Awakening. And eager for the Sleeping Giant to work the magic for myself and all others willing to have our Dreams be Alive again. Your work will find its audience in those who are ready. And be shared from there to who knows where.

  3. By Carna on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    From a spiritual perspective, this whole crisis is an opportunity for transformation. I see so many people (including myself) making meaningful changes in their lives. This is the time to go deeper (or higher, which seems to be the same thing) in order to access this Sleeping Giant.

  4. By Jeff on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    I seems there is a fine line between joining the masses and getting hooked by doom and gloom and living a completely abundant and peacful life. Trying not to wobbel back and forth over that line is where I find it very difficult. For me and all who want peace and abundance in our life sure hope the insight you give will be the turning point.

  5. By SANDRA on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply


  6. By Deb Marlor on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    It is true. Participation in the “Scarcity Syndrome” is a choice. For three years I have used Clear Mind to meditate daily. It is easy to fall prey to what we are hearing. Using Clear Mind has allowed me freedom and clarity. Yes, and life is full of abundance.

  7. By Bonnie on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    Its a matter of choice. Its also about being positive in our intents. Sure I hear all the scary stuff but I don’t buy it and I know in my heart the awakened masses are moving the “good stuff” forward. Changes are happening and they “appear” to some to be the “not so good” kind. However they are pulling us together and we are making changes in our own lives and serving others by helping them to do what is best for self, others and the planet. Choices and intents, those are my markers.

  8. By Rita on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    Paul, I agree with you 100%. The vibrations and energy that are waving around out there in the cosmos are from the media which is non stop information that all is gloom and doom and scarcity and people are being sucked into that belief and mind set. If only they could believe and act on the fact that whatever you think, feel, say or do becomes your reality. However the good news is that there is a Critical Mass out there and it is growing and soon all will be well.

  9. By Paul Bauer on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your feedback…

    We’re in the midst of an exciting transformation from a model based on fear and greed (the material model) to one where people feel their connection to their Source and know that you are NOT separate from what you really want most.

    I’m also interested in hearing from people who aren’t so sure that the recession (or related issues) is an illusion…

    Back in the 80’s I remember what it felt like to be at the end of my rope. I almost had to declare bankruptcy – and I wish I could have found a resource that freed me from the “Not Enough” Effect back then…

    Feel free to share your thoughts…



  10. By Ivory Mobley on Mar 5, 2009 | Reply

    Your insight and timing, is always impressive.
    For years, I believed in a coming paradigm shift and I’m sure others thought me crazy.
    However, this is the time and I am open to experience and ready to disconnect.

    I await your email

  11. By Jay on Mar 6, 2009 | Reply

    Dear Paul,

    Recession, what recession? I am joyfully experiencing more than adequate inflow to meet all my needs in a timely manner. And, I concur that the ‘bad news’ bandwagon is only F. alse E.vidence A.ppearing R. eal.

    It’s exhilarating thinking and behaving in a prosperous and magnanimous manner!

    Smile, make ’em wonder or just smile back;)


  12. By PennyK on Mar 14, 2009 | Reply

    I am living in the Kingdom of God and trying not to worry. It’s my other half that does not know our source,sadly!
    GBU, Paul

  13. By Marla Hickerson on Mar 20, 2009 | Reply

    At the end of ’08, I had enough and so I went to talk to someone about filing for bankruptcy- he said that was my only option from where I stood. Where I am right now, when someone gives me a limiting belief like that and states that there are no options, I turned around, walked out the door and never returned. I’ve been on a road of self-discovery for so long and yet I still feel stuck in the scarcity thinking; that my needs aren’t met. I thoroughly enjoyed the Imagination call, and have just ordered the Clear-Mind program. I am ready to embrace a new paradigm of feeling worthy and thus, feeling whole. Thank you Paul for your clear articulation of the wisdom inside.

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