Upcoming TeleSeminar
By Paul Bauer on Jan 2, 2007 in Ultra-Mana-festing Course, Uncategorized
Over 1200 people have signed up for our upcoming
Free Tele-Seminar
Some may think it’s about the Law of Attraction…
Others may think it’s about setting goals…
But many of you you know it’s about stepping out
of the trap of “needing” anything (brought about by
the “The Polarized Mind”) to complete you or bring
you fulfillment.
Does that mean I’m suggesting sitting around and
“waiting” for things to just come to you?
But when you learn how to transcend the mind and
step into what One-ness really means, you’ll simply
be amazed at how you’ll feel and the results you’ll
I look forward to “seeing you” on the call and
helping you remember your genius…
All the very best,
Paul Bauer
P.S. – What is your vision of 2007 for yourself, for
your family, for humanity and for our planet?
Please feel free to post your comments below…
5 Comment(s)
By Patricia Reszetylo on Jan 2, 2007 | Reply
I have a previous engagement that evening, is there any chance the recording will be available?
Hi Parricia,
Yes – the call is being recorded… and will be posted to
our site within 48 hours after the call.
All the very best,
Paul Bauer
By Luanna from NJ on Jan 3, 2007 | Reply
Want to thank you for the MANAFESTING CALL
For reminding me that all that is visible is illusion. That the more striving to find the solution the more we have to search and strive.
unquestioned assumption.
I need air to breathe.
FALSE PREMISE IF it is true (and it is) that I am a spiritual being having a human experience filled with light and love. within that human experience we are doing the best we can with the wisdom, knowledge and experience we have at the time.
My human self believes the need for oxygen… but my true and real self knows that spirit is forever.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR the call and your wisdom …I felt encouraged in my path and expanded with m field awareness. Bless you.
By Mark from Canada on Jan 4, 2007 | Reply
I found the Jan 3rd call was very helpful. How do we register for the course and what is the cost?
By cheryl on Jan 6, 2007 | Reply
Hi Cheryl,
The recording is now posted… You’ll need to signup for the
Priority list at this link to receive the clip
The course registration launches Wednesday, January 10th.
All the very best,
Paul Bauer
By Sayy on Jan 7, 2007 | Reply
Greetings Paul, just a note to say thanks for the “Ultra Manefesting” preview call, it fueled my light to burn brighter and longer. You are Blessed…