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We’d love your opinion…

We’re very interested in your feedback…

We’re putting the “finishing touches” on the
upcoming Clear Mind/Open Heart Course and
we’d love your opinion…

What would the Clear Mind/Open Heart Course
have to have in order for you to make the
decision to order it?

We’re building this course around you – and
your response is vital to how the course
is shaped…

Susan and Paul

Check out the free preview of the course here

And you can view the preview video here

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  1. 7 Comment(s)

  2. By claire born on Nov 11, 2007 | Reply

    What I require to learn, now, are the keys which will help me direct my already well-tuned Heart toward activating my left-brain in the direction of financial success.

    I wish to manifest ways of sharing the creative wealth of wisdom I hold close to my heart (and continue, daily, to produce) with the rest of the world.

    I have written many books and produced copious works of art (many of which dovetail one another). The “new-agers” (Cultural Creatives) who have seen and read my work, love it!

    I would like to see your course activate my attractor-fields to draw to me toward those who would assist me to “get it out there.”

    The time has come…

    I look forward to publishers answering my queries with “please send…” and I hope this course holds that key.


    Claire Born

  3. By Lydia on Nov 11, 2007 | Reply

    After a few weeks of using Clear Mind and PMP and begining to use more journaling ,I have descovered many things about myself ,that I have a potential inside my and I didn’t develop , the potential of a person that can develop the finacial oportunity and success . This is what I want to learn and to develop through this course ,this potential I never deare to think I can have .My astrolog , who is also a Master Numerologist have told my in one reading :You can be the artist the musician or writer but as well you can be a good Manager , you can lead even a big Corporation because you have that power ,that passion inside you but you didn’t develop , you don’t know , hwo you really are .So , if one day I shall became what I began to dream I shall understand that this course is that good guidance that I ever have and receive .
    Blessings and harmony ,

  4. By wendy on Nov 11, 2007 | Reply

    It seems that I have too many blocks to “unblock”-one of which is that I always try too hard to manifest my desires.
    What now?

  5. By Helene on Nov 12, 2007 | Reply

    I’ve done the Clear Mind course last year and it worked very well for me on many levels. I got a lot out of it including clearing a big lack of abndance block by working personally with Paul on-line live…To me this was key…to experience how it works…after taking time to integrate I feel I am ready for more. Thank you and Mahalo

  6. By Maria Guadalupe Perez on Nov 14, 2007 | Reply

    Thank You so much Dear Paul and Susan. For helping a lot of persons the way you do.

    I feel that the “Clear Mind Open Heart” Course is the one I need to work on my health issues and lack of financial issues. Also I would love that my family will benefit their lives, hopefully have a great change in all the areas of our lives. Thank You and hoping to hear from you soon.

  7. By Nick Grimshawe on Nov 21, 2007 | Reply

    I have been looking at the whole subject of Abundance. I would like a clearer understanding of the issue surrounding the Abundance/Scarcity equation .


  8. By Liz on Jan 22, 2008 | Reply

    First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for introducing me to this powerful and life-changing course you are offering; I do want to order but sometimes in a developing country like where I am from, it is kind of hard to come up with that amount to buy your CD’s at once. So if I may suggest, maybe someday you can make these Cd’s available for ordering like one CD/program per order. I know most or majority of people from “developed” countries can afford this but maybe you want to make it more “affordable”; who knows?.. a lot of people will also do their best to order AT LEAST one CD/Course at a time until they order the whole set.

    Again, thank you so much for the information that there really is a way for people to reach their “impossible dreams.”
    Continue to encourage people.

    God Bless,
    Liz đŸ™‚

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